

Somatic Therapy for Individuals

Maybe right now feels like a crossroad. Individual somatic therapy is a space to explore what experiences have brought you to this moment in your life and how it feels to be here. It offers the opportunity to heal from issues connected to stress, anxiety, depression, physical pain, trauma, the experience of belonging, impact of social oppression, intersections of identity, loss and grief, sexuality, chronic illness, finding life’s purpose, creative blocks, among others.

Working together, we can tap into your body and emotional resilience to imagine what kind of change you desire and manifest your vision. There’s a wisdom that invites you to move towards healing. For this transformation to begin just requires you taking the first courageous step and reach out.

Somatic Therapy for Relationships

Relationships exist in so many different configurations; romantic, family, parent-child, friendship, professional partnerships. They can provide you with support, companionship, pleasure, joy, adventure, and growth. At the same time, relationships can touch deep vulnerabilities and become a source of pain, suffering, emotional disconnection, loss of intimacy, anxiety, insecurity, communication difficulties, resentment, loneliness, ambivalence, and confusion.

I offer somatic therapy for folks in all kinds of relationships to address these challenges. Like Esther Perel says, “the quality of our relationships determine the quality of our lives”. It is possible to heal in relationship and find new ways of connecting. If you are in a relationship, whether it is a romantic, a parent-child, or a professional, and are looking for support, it is never too early or too late to reach out. Contact me to find out how I can support you and your relationship.

Somatic Coaching

You have a vision. It vibrates inside of you with a syncopated beat. This intuitive pulse is a companion to your unique gifts and values. It wants to be your compass towards a more creative, active, and joyful life. You are committed to offering your gifts in the effort of creating a more just world. You are a creative, artist, healer, cultural worker, and/or justice seeker, interested in tapping into the power of creativity as a vehicle for personal and social transformation. This is your calling. 

Yet there are social conditions and legacies that have shaped you and may act like obstacles between your desires and the movement towards them. You may feel stuck, scared, not sure sure how to begin or in the middle of a confusing passageway. I can support you in building new skills and practices that bring you closer to what you care about. With Somatic Coaching I offer you my assistance in declaring your vision and creating the path towards who your a trying to become.

Let’s talk about how we can work together.